Instructions for Authors

20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI) with International Participation

Conference Registration

For all inquiries regarding registration please contact either by email at epy AT epy DOT gr or by phone (Tel. +30 215-5051398).

Registration Non-EPY member EPY member
Author 1,2 € 300 € 250
Author presenting two papers 1,2 € 400 € 350
Participant (not presenting paper) 2 € 200 € 150
Student Participant (not presenting paper) 3 € 150 € 100


1 Author registration and payment should have been completed before October 5, 2016 in order for the manuscript to be included in the PCI 2016 Proceedings.
Each paper must be accompanied by one Author registration.
An author cannot register to present more than two papers.
2 Includes entrance to all Sessions, two Lunches and four Coffee/Tea refreshments, Social dinner, Certificate of attendance
3 Includes entrance to all Sessions, two Lunches and four Coffee/Tea refreshments, Certificate of attendance. Proof of studentship must be submitted together with the registration form.


The "Participant" and "Student participant" fees apply for participants and students attending the conference without presenting paper(s).
For students presenting /registering to present papers, the Author registration fees apply.

Payment Method

In order for the registration to be effective, participants have to deposit the registration fee in the following account of the Greek Computer Society (EPY):

ALPHA BANK Greek Computer Society (EPY) 151-00-2002002178 GR53 0140 1510 1510 0200 2002 178


In the place reserved in the deposit receipt for the “Reasoning of the payment”, please complete your full name and the phrase “PCI2016 <Paper No>”. The deposit receipt should be sent to EPY scanned by email (epy AT epy DOT gr) along with the completed registration form (No later than the 5th of October, 2016 for the authors).

For participants from Greece only, in case an invoice is to be issued (apart from the Conference Receipt) please fill in and send (by fax or email) the Invoice Request Form. (Please note that registration prices do not include VAT 24%. Therefore, only for the case that an invoice is required, the payable amount correspond to the aforementioned prices plus 24% VAT). The Invoice Request Form is supplied as an attachment, below.

Registration Form Invoice Request Form (Greek Participants Only)